We are a wide-profile company that offers a range of services,

necessary for the business from the creation of an idea to its implementation and stability.
Our company makes a great contribution to the development of the digital industry.
We create products for business development and support our partners.

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IT industry

Industrial automation

Our departments
System Integration
A division of the company responsible for the integration of various systems, applications and technologies into a single working system. The Department is engaged in solving problems related to the integration of various components in the organization and ensuring effective interaction between them
Communications and Data Protection Department
Development and implementation of data security policies and procedures
Ensuring the protection of information confidentiality. Management and development of internal and external data transmission
IT Infrastructure
Maintaining, developing and improving all aspects of the IT infrastructure, including networks, servers, data warehouses, software and other technological resources
Our benefits
Our mission

Our mission is to be a reliable partner for clients, providing them with technological solutions that contribute to their success and competitiveness in the dynamic environment of modern business.

Our partners
Contact us
Seyitnazar Seydi street, 15/1
#akyllytilsimat © All Right Reserved.
1.1. These Terms and Conditions are defined to apply to the supply of products, performance of works and/or provision of services in the field of information technology.


2.1 The processes of supply of products, performance of works and/or provision of services shall be organized and carried out by "Akylly Tilsimat" ES (hereinafter - Supplier).
2.2 The supply shall be carried out in accordance with the request or order or tender of an individual or organization (hereinafter - Customer) and with the conditions of the Contract.
2.1. Requests (orders) in the field of information technology may be accepted and fulfilled:
– determining and review requirements for products and services;
– writing the requirements specification (technical specifications);
– design and development of products (software) and services;
– granting the right to use the software;
– delivery of products;
– laying of communication cables inside objects;
– installation, mounting, dismounting;
– commissioning;
– customisation;
– integration;
– training;
– change to the service (provision of a new service or discontinuation of a service);
– technical and other services.


3.1. The conditions of quality and time of supply of products, performance of works and/or provision of services shall be agreed and stipulated by the Contract of the Parties.
3.2. Certificates confirming the quality safety and origin of product from the manufacturer and/or certification body shall be provided in the established cases.


4.1. The price of the product, work and/or service shall be agreed by the Parties and specified in the Contract, in the price negotiation protocol and/or in the specification to the Contract.
4.2. Payment for the price of supplied product, work and/or service shall be made by bank transfer to the Supplier's settlement account within the terms agreed by the Parties.


5.1. Acceptance and transfer of the supplied product, work and/or service is made within the terms agreed by the Parties under the Acceptance Certificate.


6.1. The Customer has the right to free choice of product, work and/or service, to demand necessary and reliable information related to them from the Supplier.
6.2. The Customer is obliged to accept and pay in full the agreed price of the supplied product, performed work and/or service under the Contract and not to infringe copyright.
6.3. The Supplier is entitled to demand that the Customer accept and pay for the price of the supplied product, work and/or service, and to demand compliance with copyright.
6.4. The Supplier is obliged to provide the Customer with necessary and reliable information about the product, work and/or service and the opportunity of freely choose them.
6.5. Obligations to ensure labor protection requirements, safety of works and/or services, information security and other rights and obligations of the Parties may be stipulated in the Contract, if applicable.


7.1. The Parties are obliged to observe confidentiality (to ensure the non-disclosure) of personal information of restricted access and confidential information received during the supply of products, performance of works and/or provision of services.


8.1. The Parties shall be liable for failure to fulfil and/or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Turkmenistan and Contract.
8.2. In case of disputes arising in connection with performance of the Contract of supply of product, work and/or service the Parties shall resolve them by means of negotiations.
8.3. If the Parties by means of negotiations have not come to the dispute resolution, the dispute resolution is transferred to the Arbitration court of Turkmenistan.


9.1. The Parties exchange information for processing the order (request), Contract, as well as for taking measures in case of unforeseen situations and in case of deficiencies, defects, nonconformities.
9.2. The Supplier shall request feedback - opinion, comment regarding the products, works and/or services or processes through Customer's satisfaction survey